A huge windstorm blew through Cincinnati, compliments of Hurricane Ike. Due to the storm, 90% of Cincinnati lost power on Sunday. We were in that 90%. In fact, we ended up being without power for 7 days! Yikes. Chris was in North Carolina doing an away acting internship. Double yikes! The girls and I enjoyed ourselves by setting up a tent in the living room, listening to our shortwave radio, using flashlights and candles, and eating food from our food storage. Here we are having a picnic dinner inside. As the schools were without power, the girls did not have school for three days. (So fun!) We stayed at home for a few nights, and then moved into the Simpson's spare bedroom for the remainder of our blackout. It was really nice to be with close friends with power while Chris was gone and we had none. The Lord was truly looking out for us in Chris's absence. From the experience we learned that we are actually pretty well prepared. We need to be better about rotating flashlight batteries, and keeping more gas in the car, but that is about it.

Here is a picture of one of our light sources, matches, batteries, and our shortwave radio. We were amazed at how
quiet things were around the house at night without appliances plugged in. Even with the lights and the T.V. off, your appliances like your fridge and computer make a low hum. Also, with no street lights on in the street and no night lights on in the house, the was
really dark. Just a little too dark and too quiet for us. Thanks again
Simpsons for allowing us to camp out for a few days!