Wednesday, March 26, 2008

St. Patrick's Day!

On St. Patrick's Day morning, the girls awoke to find the milk had been turned green! At our house, a Leprechaun pays a visit and turns our milk green. He also leaves candy, and you can tell where he has walked because there is a golden glitter trail left throughout the house. (Very fun to look at, not so easy to clean up...)

This year we started a new St. Patrick's Day tradition. For dinner, we ate green eggs and ham. As we were eating, we thought of 'That Sam I Am', and decided to read Green Eggs and Ham while we ate them. Thank you Dr. Seuss! We also ate Baked Oatmeal cooked and served with our green milk. (Morgan declared that the green milk looks odd, but it tastes just the same.)

1 comment:

Kt said...

That is so cute! I love those ideas.