Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Dear Rachael

Rachael turned 7 today. Wow. Where did the time go? It was a pretty great day for her. For starters, she had a field trip to the zoo. For those of you that know Rachael well, you know that this is pretty much the coolest thing that could have happened to her first-grade self. She loves animals and says that she wants to be a zookeeper when she grows up. Months ago, she said that she would like to go to the zoo for her birthday. When she came home from school with her permission slip for this one, she said, "MOM. GUESS WHAT?!?!?! We have a field trip to the zoo and IT IS ON MAY 18th!" To sweeten the deal, Kate and I were able to go on the trip as well. We had a wonderful time. After school some good friends came over and stayed for pizza and cake and ice cream. (Thanks for joining us Jeana and Abby. Oh, you too Dave!) Here are some fun pics from the big day:

Rachael at the zoo on a crocodile statue outside the manatee exhibit. This guy also doubles as a fancy mister on really hot days.

Behold, the Bakugan cake. Rachael decided that she wanted Bakugans for her birthday this year. So fun. Along with that, she decided she wanted a Bakugan cake. In her mind, she pictured a cake with a giant Bakugan in the middle. Okay, that makes my job easy. Thanks Rachael for being easy to please.

Rachael modeling one of her favorite gifts; a tutu from Aunt Alyssa and Uncle Vincent. Thanks guys for such a fun gift!

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