Monday, April 25, 2011

The Treasure Pot

Kate has discovered the wonderful joy of putting treasures into the toilet. This particular morning I heard Kate exploring under the bathroom sink, but didn't really think anything of it. We don't keep anything harmful under there, and I knew she was okay. A minute or so later when I went in to check on her, this is what I found:
Nice. Just two hours later on the same day, I went into the restroom to find this:
So, first some tampons, next some "pretty rocks" as they are called at our house. What will be next? Only time will tell... As I was making dinner later on that day, I caught Kate walking down the hallway on her way to the bathroom with my favorite measuring cups in her hands. Phew. That would just be too much. Even after some major sanitizing and a trip through the dishwasher, I am not sure if I could bake with my measuring cups knowing that they had been in the "Treasure Pot". Blech.


Tamra said...

Hilarious! My first response was, "That's like $5 worth of tampons!" Okay, maybe not that much, but still. Those things aren't cheap. What a fun age, seeing how they experiment with the world.

Deanna said...

Tamra-I know, right? I am pretty picky about the tampons I use and those puppies aren't cheap. It could have been worse though...Of course, I won't be needing those for quite some time. :)