1.) The first event was actually bitter-sweet. Both of my grandfathers passed away this January. I was only able to attend one of the funerals as they were both in California. In order for me to attend, we had to postpone Morgan's 8th birthday party. She was such a trooper. I was able to attend my Grandpa Richard's funeral. It was a nice service. He had been sick for a long time, so are all glad that he is no longer suffering. Grandma is doing well, though she misses him terribly. She has since moved from California to Indiana to live with my parents, so we get to see her much more often. We love you Grandma!
2.) I found out that I was pregnant with baby #3! Hooray! Exciting! We are starting all over! (Oh boy...But not a boy. You will see when I update the month of June that we are having our 3rd girl. We are thrilled. Girls are so much fun. Besides, we like drama here...)
3.) A most significant thing happened for Morgan on February 14th. She was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Chris performed the baptism, my parents spoke, and Chris's parents took care of the music. (Ahh, musical connections...l) It was lovely. I cannot believe that she is old enough to be baptized...Here is a picture that we took while preparing the programs for the event:
***Classic picture of Chris and Morgan dressed in white pre-baptism to be inserted here.*** In the chaos of the morning I forgot my camera. A word to you other mothers of children to be baptized in the not-too-distant future: Don't do this! A lovely picture was taken on Opa Runyan's camera. I will get it and insert it soon!
4.) Morgan's 8th birthday party was a hit. We had to move it from the beginning of Feb to the end, due to the previously mentioned funeral of my grandfather. We actually braved a sleep-over! There was pizza, movie watching, cupcakes and ice cream and camping out in tents in the living room. (Can't camp outside here in February, unless you are a crazy boy scout.) We used a couple small tents and the girls loved it. Here is a picture of the girls in attendance:
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