Friday, October 1, 2010

And That's What You Call 'Ironic'

Because she has been teething and sick and teething some more, Kate has not been sleeping through the night for a couple of weeks. For the past two nights however, she has slept great. Hooray!! The only thing is, Morgan has been sick. So Kate's first nights sleeping through the night in a while, I have been up 3-5 times each night with poor Morgan. Boo and Hiss for illness and Morgan's utter discomfort. (She had to miss 3 days of school this week.)

*In true surgeon fashion, Chris said that he wondered if Morgan might need her tonsils out. This was only the 5th week of school and already Morgan has missed 5 days and come home early twice. Hmmmm. I wonder if he is on to something there...

1 comment:

Reynolds Family said...

No fun-I'm sorry! Emma has to get her tonsils and adenoids out and is very nervous about it!