Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! Chris has had to work a few Halloweens, and thus has had to miss the best thing about it; trick-or-treating. So sad. However, the doctor that he reports to this year said that he could sneak away from the hospital for a bit so that he could join us, so long as it was not too busy. Since I was not sure if he would be able to get away, I kept this from the girls. It turns out that he was able to get away, and the girls got the best surprise when he just walked right up to us in the street as we were trick-or-treating. It was a special treat to have him there. Thank you Dr. Goodman for letting Chris join his kids on Halloween!

A pre-trick-or-treating shot. Rachael was the 'Tooth Fairy' this year. She is holding Chief, who was a skeleton. Morgan was a 'Masquerade Ball Ballerina'. She is holding Kate, who was a lady bug. It was fun to see her in a costume that both of her older sisters wore...good 'ol trip down memory lane and what not.

A close-up of Chief. He really was so cute in his skeleton costume. In our neighborhood, some people passed out dog treats as well as candy. He thought this was pretty great.

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