Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Family Pictures

We thought it might be fun to have a few family pictures taken before it got too cold and we lost the rest of the leaves from our trees. Our friend Jennett came over and took several for us. Here are are a few of them:

(I put that flower on Kate's head just for you Mom. =)) -Side note: I love a little flower on a baby girl's head. Nothing bigger than what you see here, as that is not my style. My mom doesn't like them at all...

Three girls, what fun! I had to include this picture because this is what the girls would do all day if they could. The first thing I hear in the morning is, "Can I hold Kate?". Also, they are in matching dresses and you can't see that in the first picture as they are behind me and Chris. I know that my days of matching dresses are numbered, so I have to enjoy it while I can.

How cute is she? Ah, babies.

The Runyans at their finest.

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